
VIP List / Reference projects


Kailash Kokopelli equips its spiritual center in Sweden with Namaste cushions.

Namasté DeSign equips Balance Institute with therapy futons

Zoran Prosic-Götte, Shaman and musician loves (on) Namasté Futons

Veeresh and employees meditate on Namasté cushions

Namasté DeSign produces cushions with special theme (Veeresh Rose) for Humaniversity NL

Yod, Biotic Institute buys meditation cushions from Namasté

Madhukar assignes Namasté with designs for its own Emblem Cushion

Namasté DeSign produces cushions with special theme (The Flower of Life) for Happy Soul

Chateau Amtithaba employees meditate on Namasté cushions,

Namasté DeSign customizes special cushions with Agni motiv for Chateau Amrithaba 

Friends give FeSan a bag for her shaman drum - made by Namasté

Namasté-DeSign is producing overlays for Sound furniture for Boehme Music (Feeltone) as for Allton and Chr. Linhuber

Peter Hess is offering Namasté cushions, and equipped the rooms in his Röhn Academy

Namasté-DeSign regularly gives away and raffles cushions for Lebens(t)räumeConnectionYoga aktuellCosmopolitan and more

Rebecca Rosing is meditating on a white Namasté Meditations Set

Yoga aktuell is known for the greatest outlet for Namasté Products since more than 15 years

Govinda Das and musicians are seated on Namasté cushions while chanting

Messmer Tee raffled 50 DELUXE sets in 2005

Ananda, organizer of the Rainbow Spirit Festival: "... when I'm born again, then as a meditation cushion from Namasté ..."

It is hard to say it more beautifully!

