In addition to our cushions we offer in this section of our shop, futonmats and Zabutons in different sizes and heights.
Futon mats serve to relieve the legs while sitting for longer, protect against pressure, cold and give your place of meditation a particular personal touch. The covers can be removed for cleaning.
The ticking used for our Futons and Zabutons consists of a cotton cover with a padding of several layers of quilted wool or cotton. Even the ticking cover is provided with a zip and and can be supplied with additional padding layers if required.
The Zabuton comes from the traditional Japanese Zen Tradition and is used in meditation as a base for the zafu (round cushion). Unlike our futons, the zabutons are padded thicker and have a 5cm height edge.
Info: Standard futons in 80x80x5cm and 90x90x3cm sizes are available in all collections even if pictures are missing! The price is the same for both sizes of futon.
Under the term THERAPY FUTONS we also manufacture larger futons which can be used in many different areas:
- Massage
- Shiatsu
- Tantra
- Sound massage
- Conversational therapy on eyelevel
- In the lounge for chilling out and drinking tea
- As a giant sofa to cuddle and communicate
- As bed or guest bed
You can discuss the texture of your futon with according to:
- Size and thickness of the futon
- The materiel layers of the upholstery
- The properties and appearence of the cover
- Quality criteria
In addition, Namaste DeSign can also suppy decorative cushions, roll cushions and other requirements in every form, size and texture.
Please call us, we are happy to help!